Windy City Herald









President Biden Falls From White House Window, Miraculously Unhurt

Written by Stefan P. Mannheim

Politics | Jun 18, 2023

President Joe Biden gives a press conference with a gnarly gash in his face and head bandages

Stefan P. Mannheim/Windy City Herald
President Joe Biden gives a press conference with a gnarly gash in his face and head bandages

[WASHINGTON, DC] In an astonishing turn of events, President Joe Biden miraculously emerged unharmed after falling from a second-story window at the White House. Despite the potentially catastrophic incident, the president displayed remarkable resilience as he swiftly resumed his regular duties.

    The incident took place earlier today within the West Wing, where President Biden was attending a meeting on relations with China. Witnesses described a moment of shock and apprehension as the president lost his footing yet again, tumbling through an open window. However, by some act of heavenly intervention, President Biden escaped the fall without serious injury.

    After being evaluated and receiving medical clearance, President Biden, 81, returned to the Oval Office to resume his presidential duties. Speaking to the press, he reassured the public of his well-being, cracking a lighthearted joke about the incident. "I've had my fair share of stumbles in life, but I assure you, I'm still standing." Throughout giving the statement, the president grabbed his lower back several times and stuttered between every two to three words.

    Despite the president's swift return to his duties and his assurances of good health, conservative voices wasted no time to highlight concerns about his age, health, and cognition. President Biden, at 81, is the oldest individual to assume the presidency in United States history. Critics argue that the fall underscores questions about his physical fitness and ability to handle the demands of the office effectively.

    White House officials responded to the criticisms in a press briefing later in the day, emphasizing that the president's fall was accidental and not indicative of any underlying health issues. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated that President Biden successfully underwent medical evaluation and received clearance to resume his duties. Furthermore, she reaffirmed the administrations confidence in his ability to carry out his responsibilities effectively.

Image of Stefan P. Mannheim

Stefan P. Mannheim

Democracy dies in darkness, or something like that


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